Sell yourself to sell your business

posted in: Blog

Social media provides platforms where everyone can have their own voice and share their own story. If you are using it to share your business then I’m afraid you are not the only one. So how do you make your business stand out from the seemingly infinite digital crowd?

Make it personal! Sell yourself in order to sell your business. Everyone can say that they are a good company, share their latest sales or detail their product but not everyone can say it like you do. Don’t be a stranger to your audience, introduce yourself and your team to the online world. It may feel strange sharing details about yourself on your business’ social media but it makes you more relatable and shows that there is a person behind the logo. Don’t be a robot. We’ve all been stuck in a conversation with someone who is clearly not invested in sharing more about themselves (hopefully it wasn’t on a first date!), don’t be that person online. Social media is all about engagement so give your audience something real to engage with.

Cafe Owner

Share your story to engage people and help them understand why your business is so important to you. We believe that showing your own passion and value in your business makes your audience value it more too. People relate to stories more than sales so sharing more of your own journey will encourage people to support you further into the future so your business’ story can continue. Would you trust someone who you’d never met? Of course not … and if you would then may I suggest re-evaluating your boundaries and remind you to lock your door at night! If you wouldn’t trust someone you’d never met then why would you trust a business that you’d never heard of before without learning something about them first? You wouldn’t, so give your customers the opportunity to learn more about you.

They say honesty is the best policy right?! And social media is no exception. Don’t be afraid to push yourself as well as your business, customers like to know who they are supporting so be sure to share more about yourself in your posts. Now we’re not saying you have to share your entire life story (nobody has time for that!), simply making your posts more human in nature. Crack a joke, use an emoji, ask your audience something. Be engaging in order to get more engagement.

There is no rule book for social media so make it your own. If you have any queries about improving your social media feed, we are all about personalised business so get in touch for some advice!