To like or not to like – that is the question

posted in: Blog

“To like or not to like – that is the question”

Why we are telling you to NOT invite all of your friends to like your Facebook page.

First of all it’s annoying. Not meaning to sound rude but as soon as that “so and so has invited you to like their page” notification pops up you can quite literally hear our eyeballs rolling in the office.

Here’s the thing – yes, we know it gets shared on Facebook a lot “Hey guys! If you click on those little dots on your page you then have an option to invite ALL of your friends to like your page – cool eh?!” No – it’s not cool.

Think about it – Facebook works on the basis of having good engagement rates – yes?

It likes it when you have people on your page who are liking, commenting and/or sharing your posts – yes?

So what do you think happens when you have invited a large number who then like your page but don’t interact because they may not be that interested in what your business page is about or not likely to purchase what you offer – they’re just there out of courtesy to you, as a good friend would be of course?

To like or not to like – that is the question

Short term – super, you’ve gained a load of new likes, yet your engagement rate has plummeted and it is this which contributes to whether more people see your posts (no – Facebook isn’t just hiding them for the fun of it – I feel that would make another blog post in itself) It is the same with these “like for like” posts. Having a lot of likes or followers is vanity and to the untrained eye it looks impressive, yet if you go onto these pages and look at the posts, what really matters is how many of these people are interacting with them.

It is far better to have fewer followers who are interested than 1000 who are not.

Remind yourself of the old saying “Quality over Quantity” it is important to focus your efforts on getting people to your page who are either or both of these things:

  1. They are likely to be interested in what you are offering, either now or at some point in the future
  2. They are likely to be an ambassador for your brand and support you

If you’d like to find out more about how you can reach out to the right people or have any questions about this blog post please do feel free to get in touch with us here at SAS Consultancy.